1. 负责在沙特阿拉伯利雅得开发、维护和扩展客户;
2. 负责公司产品的销售和客户关系维护,实现年度销售目标,提高产品市场份额,增强品牌知名度;
3. 构建合作伙伴生态系统并维护生态关系。
1. 至少有一年在沙特阿拉伯利雅得的本地销售经验,熟悉物流业务运作;
2. 精通阿拉伯语和中文或英文;
3. 致力于发展销售业务;
4. 强烈的自我激励和进取精神,有良好的学习愿望和能力。
iData is a global leader in the automatic identification industry, dedicated to connecting the world's workers to the digital world through iData. .We are hiring outstanding talents to join our sales team in multiple countries .
Job responsibilities:
1.Responsible for the development, maintenance, and market expansion of logistics customers in the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
2.Responsible for the sales and customer
relationship maintenance of the company's
intelligent hardware products, achieving annual sales targets, increasing product market share, and enhancing brand awareness;
3.Building a partner ecosystem and maintaining ecological relationships.
1.At least One year of local sales experience in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, familiar with logisties business operations;
2.Proficient in Arabic and Chinese or English;
3.Dedicated to developing sales business;
4.Strong self motivation and enterprising spirit, with a good desire and ability to learn.
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